“I took one more glance over my past life, then turned to the future. I was eager to embrace the world.”
Wild Swans, Jung Chang
The end of my first chapter has arrived and chapter two has begun.
I walked away from my classroom yesterday and stepped into my role as a business owner and full-time photographer. I never thought my hobby and career would switch places, but I knew a whole lot before life taught me that I actually knew very little.
So here we are. The beginning of something new. A wonderful opportunity to provide more than just a salary, but also stability in a time of chaos and love in a time of sorrow. I am so grateful for this ability; even as my family and I struggle with the reality of what we face.
Life has provided me with a somber reminder of how fleeting it is. Because of this, I traded my passion for preparing the leaders of tomorrow for my passion to preserve our past. Each day I am considering and exploring new ways to freeze precious moments and respect the present. It is, after all, a gift!
So I’m here! I’m preserving as much of my family’s present as I can and I’m ready to help you cherish and preserve your family’s memories as well.
Here’s hoping you are as blessed as I have been! xo
All Rights Reserved | Amy Plourde Photography, LLC